Returning to Massage

Returning for Massage in Post-Covid World


What does massage look like for us now? The answer to that is multilateral; it will depend on the therapist, the client and the premises and this might be tricky for some people to understand but as with everything during this global pandemic we need to consider individual circumstances.


Fortunately for all bodyworks and beauticians there are high industry standards already in place that we are trained in as part of our qualifications. These standards demand that we assess risks to both our clients and ourselves and that we adhere to standards of health, safety and hygiene as set by our industry. Most industries have an enforcing body in this case the Enforcing Authority for Health and Safety Regulation. We too have governing bodies that require us with membership to sign-up to a code of practise. We undertake regular training, study and practise due diligence within our work. My governing body provided me with a comprehensive training about COVID-19 with Jenifer Young and this has been very informative and boosted y confidence to return safely to work. With all this under our belts we are capable and confident to return to massage treatments. I have a document to send out to my clients highlighting a few new protocols but mostly things remain the same. My priority is to ensure I have healthy clients attending my clinic, there is no cancellation policy and I too will be checking my temperature, monitoring my health and shutting my practise at any sign of ill health. We need to be on the safe side as it is not the time to take risks.


We know that COVID-19 mostly passes without any further medical assistance needed. The statistics show that 80% of patients make a full recovery. We also know how to destroy the virus and how to avoid catching it; wash our hands, cover our faces when we are out and about and avoid touching our faces. This is all necessary because COVID-19 can be carried on surfaces and picked up on our hands. If we then touch our faces the virus can enter the mucus membranes found at our eyes, mouth and nose and infect us. If we keep our hands clean and avoid touching our faces when we are out and about we already have a certain level of control. Transmission is also possible through rouge droplets inhaled from an infectious person sneezing, coughing or spluttering. We have less control over a person doing this around us, we cannot force people to stay at home if they are ill, and this is why wearing a mask is polite when we are out in public. If we feel ill we really do need to stay at home and order a test. Fortunately they are becoming more readily available.

A vaccine may be a long way off but we do have some valuable knowledge about this virus and with this knowledge we can inform ourselves and take actions to protect ourselves. I understand stress to be the number one antagonist to poor health. When we are stressed our immune systems are compromised and so we are vulnerable to illness. I advise that you find your comfortable controls so that you feel you can operate safely in a COVID-19 world. If this means avoiding close contact services for a time then I advise you do just that. Only come for a treatment if you feel comfortable. The same applies for haircuts, pub visits, cinemas and the like. But know what you have control over and keep and eye on trusted, reliable sources for information. Keep things simple where you can and be kind to yourself.

If you have questions about massage therapy and how this will work please do get in touch and we can talk about your treatment. If you feel anxious about anyone being near your face maybe a foot massage is right for you. There are so many ways that therapists can work and accommodate you. Don’t be afraid to ask. We are all individuals with our own concerns and circumstances.

Sending out love, light and good health and reminding you to keep your hands clean when you are out in public!