Letter to Your MP


I’m attaching a template letter for those who wish to write to their local MP to get therapists back to work. You can copy this, personalise it and send it your local MP. This would be a huge support. My industry is so desperate to get back to work, supporting our clients. We have high professional standards as an industry and it is possible for us to return to work with safe practises, amended risk assessments and screen our clients.

Here is the template provided and share by the Federation of Holistic Therapists in collaboration with the ICH -Integrative Healthcare Collaborative.

Dear <<Your MP>>

Government inconsistency in Covid-19 policies concerning complementary, traditional and natural healthcare workers returning to work

I am writing to ask for immediate action to address the government’s lack of clarity and non-science-based thinking towards complementary, traditional and natural healthcare workers returning to work.

The complementary, traditional and natural healthcare industry has been fully supportive of, and compliant with, the government’s measures to control the spread of Covid-19. As such, the majority of practitioners and therapists have been unable to provide consultations in person, although many have continued to support their clients remotely where possible. 

However, in recent weeks, the government has allowed professions, such as physiotherapists and podiatrists, who practise in a setting and mode of practice akin to complementary, traditional and natural healthcare workers, to return to work. In addition, hairdressers and barbers, who also provide close contact services, have now been told by the government that they too can return to work, as long as they take precautions.

There does not appear to be any logic, clarity, or scientific basis to the government’s decision-making in this area. This policy is unfair, inconsistent, and discriminatory. The result is that this valuable sector of the healthcare workforce, and clients who use their services, continue to suffer.

Healthcare professionals in this sector contribute to the physical and mental health and wellbeing of millions of people across the UK. They want to return to practice as soon as possible, but cannot, because of this continued confusion and non-science-based policy-making by the government.

I request, therefore, that you ask the government to publish its scientific advice and justification for continuing to prevent the return to practice of this sector of the healthcare workforce, and that you press Ministers to allow therapists back to work immediately.

Your sincerely,


<<Insert your name and FHT suffix, e.g. ‘Anne Example, MFHT’>>