the benefits & Limitations of massage treatments
As I said before massage works for people on many different levels and as a therapist it is important to be aware and open to the needs of the client.
It is useful for you to know what massage can be helpful for. This is only a guide from feedback and research. We cannot promise or presume to determine how a treatment will impact on a body or mind and it may each time and during each treatment be different.
I was introduced to bodywork for health benefits. I had psoriasis and an all-out stress overload by the age of 22 and I was supported and healed with Shiatsu Massage. My weekly treatments were an hour for me to ‘switch off’ and tap into my sub-conscious and, I didn’t know this at the time, but allow some space for my body’s wisdom and needs to take over from the mind. Alongside rigorous nutritional adjustments I was able to work my way back to health and overcome and keep at bay the psoriasis. Phew!
Why come for a massage?
For some it is just a time to RELAX and UNWIND and let someone take care of them.
Other clients have demanding physical jobs like building, dry-stone walling, roofing, puppet making, massaging etc…and for them a treatment is to COUNTER PHYSICAL STRESS of their work.
THE MIND: massage is all about the body but for many clients massage eases mental ‘stress’. ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, MENTAL FATIGUE, GREIF, LOW SELF ESTEEM; these are the kind of symptoms that clients have come to me with. They have found that the treatment offers them some relief.
Then there are the targeted physical symptoms such as DIGESTIVE ISSUES - CONSTIPATION, BLOATING, IBS. The abdominal massage can help relieve such issues and I will teach you how to do this on yourself if you feel you that you’re happy to take the practise home.
IMPROVE SLEEP Some of us just have a very hard time sleeping! Many people say they sleep well after a massage.
What massage isn’t…
A solution to some medical conditions. Some clients come on recommendation from their doctor. If you have any specific health concerns I would suggest that you visit your doctor for a check-up.
Massage and fertility. Women who are looking to conceive often like to support the process with abdominal massage and I am happy to offer this. It is important to know that there are many factors that impact conception and massage cannot stake a claim to facilitating pregnancy.
I enjoy working with a variety of clients and finding treatments that suit you. If there is anything you want to discuss or if you are unsure if massage is for you please email or call and we can discuss whether coming for a massage would be beneficial or if my work is right for you.